Further literature
Lost Homeland Georgshausen / Verlorene Heimat Georgshausen
The book „Verlorene Heimat Georgshausen“ by Dr. Josef Wüst provides information about life in a small village in the Banat, Serbia, populated by Danube Swabians, and a historical overview. Additionally to the free download below, the German version of the book is also available as unbound copy on paper. If interested, please send inquiries to Barbara Hebenstreit (daughter of the author):
German version of the book (82 MB): Verlorene Heimat Georgshausen.pdf
At the beginning of 2010 the English translation of the book was completed. After years of work, we have succeeded in creating a unique work! Translation: Henry A. Fischer, Correction: Barbara Hebenstreit (daughter of the author), Design: Ray Borschowa
English version of the book (125 MB): Lost Homeland Georgshausen.pdf
(German) So war’s im Donauschwabenland - Mundartgedichte von Sepp Stumper
Sepp Stumper was a fellow villager from Kathreinfeld who had found a new home in Vienna. In the course of time he has written numerous Donauschwaben poems, which all deal with the life of the Donauschwaben. In order to preserve the Donauschwäbische dialect, a CD was produced with audio samples of the most beautiful poems personally performed by the author. In order to make the texts understandable for our descendants, they were printed with a translation in a book. Book and CD together result in a unique work, which was sold like hot cakes right after its presentation. To give future generations an insight into the dialect of the Danube Swabians, the CD was published on YouTube and the book as PDF.
Download book (240 KB): So war's im Donauschwabenland - Mundartgedichte von Sepp Stumper.pdf
(German) Das Drama an der Theiß-Pontonbrücke
The booklet „Das Drama an der Theiß-Pontonbrücke“ by the compatriot Alfred Schwarz from St. Hubert near Kikinda, who survived this tragedy, is highly recommended.
Please send inquiries to Barbara Hebenstreit:
(German) Geschichte der deutschen Volksgruppen in Südosteuropa
A new educational film, published by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture on DVD, describes the moving history of the Danube Swabians, Transylvanian Saxons, Carpathians and Hungarian Germans, as well as the Germans from Bukovina and Dobrudscha. In four sections, the „Geschichte der deutschen Volksgruppen in Südosteuropa“ is presented from its beginnings to the present day. The fate of the expulsion is impressively recounted with hitherto unknown historical photographs and film documents.
Please send inquiries to Peter Wassertheurer:
Description | Link |
Schwabenverein Vienna | http://www.donauschwaben.at |
Zichydorf in Saskatchevan | http://zichydorfonline.org/ |
Donauschwaben in the USA | http://donauschwaben-usa.org/donauschwaben_clubs.htm http://donauschwaben-usa.org/donauschwaben_culture.htm |
Banater Schwaben | http://www.banater-schwaben.org |
Donauschwaben Villages Helping Hands | http://www.dvhh.org |
Donauschwaben Genealogienetz | http://www.genealogienetz.de/reg/ESE/dschwab-d.html |
Book of the Dead - Donauschwaben | http://www.donauschwaben.at/das%20totenbuch%20der%20donauschwaben.html |